subconscious mandate to announce the end of all “rational” or visual values. He was acting like Pip in Dickens’ Great Expectations . Pip was a poor boy who had a hidden benefactor who wanted to raise Pip to the status of a gentleman. Pip was ready and willing until he found that his benefactor was an escaped convict. Spengler and Hitler and many more of the would-be “irrationalists” of our century are like singing-telegram delivery boys, who are quite innocent of any understanding of the medium that prompts the song they sing. So far as Tobias Dantzig is concerned in his Number: The Language of Science , the progress from the tactile fingering of toes and fingers to “the homogeneous number concept, which made mathematics possible” is the result of visual abstraction from the operation of tactile manipulation. We have both extremes of this process in our daily speech. The gangster term